Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I haven't been writing much since this summer. I was briefly engrossed in politics.

It's funny that so much went on and yet nothing changed. Nothing changed except my comprehension of the times and what it means to me. Suddenly the muddled image in the crystal ball became clear and I could see tomorrow like a reflections reflection and suddenly within the revelation I found grace.

I had my 30th birthday. This was cause for great joy and celebration because I for one had many causes to doubt that I would in fact make it to 30! I am happy to report I did.

I became an ordained minister with the "Church of the Subgenious" this also was a time of great joy and celebration. I always wanted to be a minister.

I got laid off again (just in time for Christmas). I bought a new pet a garter snake named Sophia. She's quite the lady and in fact made no effort to eat until today. I was worried for a while that this new relationship may not survive the test of time but she is showing that she has those necessary huntress skills required for survival even in captivity. I came home to find half a gold fish in her mouth and I couldn't stop calling everyone to rejoice.

I grew up a little bit. I am not quite sure how or why but I went through some things at work like racism, harrassment, and discrimination and I finally realized what all of these dramas symbolize.

The acts of a covertly hostile person - yes
An abusive childhood the reason for the covert hostility - yes
The reality that this anger manifests in destructive behavior patters - absolutely
The fact that most likely given the chance this person is also breaking some major laws, lies, and hurts others..yes.
The dangers of self loathing and projectile votiming..without question.

Lesson Learned, Story unfolded, Performance..Outstanding.

"im sorry for 2004" but it was still a pretty good year!

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