Monday, June 02, 2003

What is LOVE ?

To pose the question insists that the answer remains a mystery.

"Like Goethe at 80, you know the futility of love an you shrug-You shrug away the warm kiss, the tongue and lips, the tug at the thin waist, the whole warm floating thing against you held tight-the little woman-for which rivers flow and men fall down stepladders-the thin cold long brown fingers of Tristessa, slow, and casual and lazy, like the meeting of lips-The Tristessa Spanish Night of her deep love hole, the bullfights in her dreams of you, the lazy rainy rose against the idle cheek-Andall the concomitant loveliness of a lovely woman a young man in a far-off country should yearn to stay for-I was traveling around in circles in North America in many a gray tradgedy."

What I can confess of my many lives misfortune that reaped the reward of increased wisdom seeds in the phrase I LOVE YOU. A statment made that causes much confusion because the value of it can only be determined by the profundity of the messanger. I have said I love you and what that meant was now that I see you assuming this is all of you that God made you to be I love you. I have been told I love you and took it to mean the same thing.

What they really meant remains a mystery save for the reality that it lacked the same substance as when it came from my lips. What it needs to be and the journey to get there is what gives credence to the true value of wisdom and the worthiness of the will to seek its guidance in all things at all times. Without it one can only travel in constant fear and loathing of fear. With it one merely travels. Interesting to me that there remains cause for confusion about which way is better.

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